The “So Much Liquid Cool” Super Kindle-iPad Giveaway!

In anticipation of the March 31st Liquid Cool releases of Book Two (Blade Gunner), Book Three (NeuroDancer), and Book Four (The Electric Sheep Massacre), we have another giveaway! — a super giveaway for a super release.

Our new “So Much Liquid Cool” Kindles Super Giveaway” begins Monday, March 6th and ends Friday, March  31st at midnight.

Enter below for your chance to win!

All you need to enter the Giveaway is your email and verify your minimum age–that’s it!

However if you want extra chances to win and spread the word, you have plenty of choices–as few or as many as you like.

Author Austin Dragon’s “So Much Liquid Cool” Kindle-iPad Super Giveaway

For those Leaving Comments on this page for the Giveaway, the question is:

If you win the giveaway prize, what is the first ebook/book you’ll get — title, author, genre and why?


#Win #FREE #Amazon #Kindle #KindleOasis #Apple #ipad #Giveaway

0 Responses

  1. Oh I would definitely get “The girls” by emma Kline.. my sister can not stop raving about it. I have about 200 written down on various post it notes to read though…

  2. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R Donaldson. I used to read those once a year until I had kids. It would be nice to revisit the Land again.

  3. Probably Inferno by Dan Brown, since I haven’t really had time to read it. Or Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J. K. Rowling.

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