Lord of the Rings Fans Meet The Fabled Quest Chronicles: Kindles & Books Giveaway (UK Edition)

We’re celebrating the three-book release of the first half of the new epic fantasy adventure series, the Fabled Quest Chronicles. Our new “Lord of the Rings Fans Meet The Fabled Quest Chronicles” Kindles & Books Giveaway” begins Tuesday, September 4th and ends Sunday, September 16th at midnight. Enter below for your chance to win on 9.4.18!

Author Austin Dragon’s “Lord of the Rings Fans Meet Fable Quest Chronicles: Kindles & Books Giveaway

For those leaving comments for an entry: If you win the giveaway prize, what is the first epic fantasy book you’ll get — title, author, and why? Leave Your Comments Below.

59 Responses

  1. I’ve always loved The Chronicles of Narnia and I’ve read them all, but I’ll still want them to be the first ones on my new Kindle.

  2. I want the new edition of EARTHSEA being released shortly…. but don’t know if it’s going to be ebook available… may have to resort to paper…. but the artwork looks amazing.

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