In our last giveaway we asked participants which Kindle we should give away next as we continue our celebration of the release of my debut cyberpunk detective thriller series, Liquid Cool. The Kindle Fire HD 6 and Kindle Paperwhite were by far the most popular choices. But what about our Canadian readers and fans?
Well, rather than trying to figure out which one to give away, we decided to let YOU pick! So it’s decided. TWO lucky winners will get to choose their prize–Amazon’s bestselling Kindle Fire HD 6 tablet or Kindle PaperWhite e-reader or the Kobo Glo HD tablet! Our March 2016 Kindles and Kobo Super Giveaway begins Thursday, March 3rd and ends Wednesday, March 23rd!
Enter below for your chance to win!
Author Austin Dragon’s “Great Scott!” March 2016 Kindles & Kobo Giveaway
For those Leaving Comments on this page for the Giveaway, the question is:
What is Your Favorite Sci-Fi and Detective Movies. If Liquid Cool is a genre blend of sci-fi and detective thriller, name both your favorite science fiction and detective movie. (For example: Blade Runner + The Big Sleep)
#Win #FREE #Amazon #Kindle #KindleFire #KindlePaperWhite #Kobo #Giveaway
Austin Dragon is the author of over 30 books in science fiction, fantasy, and classic horror. His works include the sci-fi detective LIQUID COOL series, the epic fantasy FABLED QUEST CHRONICLES, the international futuristic epic AFTER EDEN Series, the classic SLEEPY HOLLOW HORRORS, and new military sci-fi PLANET TAMERS series. He is a native New Yorker but has called Los Angeles, California home for more than twenty years. Words to describe him, in no particular order: U.S. Army, English teacher, one-time resident of Paris, ex-political junkie, movie buff, Fortune 500 corporate recruiter, renaissance man, futurist, and dreamer.
0 Responses
Bladerunner is an old favourite and I watch it a few times a year.
The Maltese Falcon would be choice for mystery movie and Balderunner for Sci-fi.
Twelve monkeys is my favourite sci-fi and my favourite detective is the Bourne series
My favorite Sci-Fi movie is Alien and Detective movie is Seven.
ZBS Radio Show Productions, The Adventures of Ruby, I admired as a teen – I think Ruby 4 had my most special interest. While we’re here, I also used to dash to the radio for Tuesday nights Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on NPR 15 mins a week looong before the movie, and I liked what I saw in my head better. So if you’re looking for feedback, why not a venture or 2 into radio? Ps can i audition can i can i huh? -Well, you asked.