An Illustrated Glossary of Races, Beasts, and Monsters of Myth and Magic
Embark on an enchanting journey through the Fabled Quest Chronicles as you explore both wondrous and shadowy races and both fascinating and horrifying creatures encountered along the epic Traveler’s Caravan. From the treacherous Titan’s Trial to the mythical kingdom of Atlantea, this illustrated glossary will transport you to a realm filled with magic, mystery, adventure and danger. Explore the pages and let your imagination run wild as you discover the secret life, both of light and darkness, of this captivating world.
Here’s the illustrated glossary of the many races, beasts, and monsters encountered in those Magical Lands! This beautiful book features every fae race and creature from the Lands of Man to Faë-Land Minor (the Lands of Fairies, Sprites, and Giants) to Faë-Land Major (the Lands of Elves, Hoofed Fae, and Goblins) to the Great Forest to the Oceans of Faë-Land Omnis (the Empires of Mermaids, Ocean Nymphs, and Water Fae) to the legendary kingdom of Atlantea.
Discover nearly 300 magical races and mythical creatures! As you explore the pages, let your imagination run wild in this captivating world of light and darkness.
Perfect for your epic fantasy library or to give as a gift.
Grab your copy today!
P.S. You can get the special edition Hardcover HERE!